Friday, November 11, 2005

I'm So Now!

Cool article in this morning's Chronicle about us old fart bloggers! Check it out.

If you don't have the time to check it out, here's the part I liked:

Three percent of online U.S. seniors have created a blog and 17 percent have read someone else's blog, according to the Pew Internet & American Life Project. Compare that with online 18- to 29-year-olds: Thirteen percent have created blogs and 32 percent have read someone else's blog, according to Pew.

Imagine that....3%...I've never been up-to-date or in-style in my whole life! Usually by the time I get on board it's passe! Like the man said though, it's cool to be able to say whatever you like and get it off your chest if it's on your mind!

Thanks .... I appreciate the space, dudes!

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