Monday, November 28, 2005

About That Cryin' Mary Statue...

I was raised Catholic so I know better than to joke about stuff like this.

A statue of the Virgin Mary appears to weep bloody tears outside a Catholic Church in Sacramento, California, and who knows, maybe it's on the level. Maybe it's cleverly designed to wash away the very devil. Maybe it's an even more clever way to garner attention which equates into dollars. I'm not about to say which. Like the man said, I hope the CC investigates it throughly (you know, like letting O.J. pick his own judge, jury and prosecutors) and then we'll know the truth (kind of like the real killer, only not).

But here's what brought me to my keyboard .... how come the statues always cry whether it be tears or blood or Coca Cola or chocolate milk? Why don't they laugh out loud? Or move? Or talk? Or levitate? It'd be more effective if it just sat down and said what's on its mind. Then Barbara Walters or one of those TeeVee ladies could interview it and depending on what was said, the whole world could stop screwing around and get down to God's business. It'd be clear, concise and not shielded by robes and vespers. There'd be none of this interpreting it to fit whatever agenda one has. And one of the sponsors could even be Kleenex....

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