Up until 20 minutes ago I was the
only one on the blog planet that didn't know what "moonbat" meant. I finally broke down and googled "moonbat" and this is what came back....
Definitions of Moonbat on the Web:
Moonbat is a political epithet coined in 2002 by Perry de Havilland of "The Libertarian Samizdata," a libertarian weblog. It was originally a play on the last name of George Monbiot, a columnist for The Guardian, but now the term enjoys great currency in the libertarian blogosphere as an all-purpose insult for modern liberals, peace protestors, and other ideological opponents. It is similar to the epithets Feminazi or Idiotarian.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moonbat Oh, now I get it.
Oddly enough, I was there when the term "Feminazi" was born. To the best of my knowledge, it was Muy Grosso aka Dave Dahlman that coined the term. I used to think like him on a lot of subjects, but I think we're probably poles apart now. I've gotten, I don't know, older?, more conservative?, less energetic?
Or maybe it's just that one day it dawned on me that it's all about money anyway. Only money. I don't care what side of the issue your tissue is moistened on, the bottom line is moola. I'm NRA and they want dough. Those on the other side, the gun grabbers, those that would unarm the armed need money to spread their guff too. M-O-N-E-Y. Same thing for the right-to-whatever.
I can't think of a 'cause' that isn't
because there's money needed to fan the flames. Republicans, Democrats, same deal only the hook is in the emotional lures. Once they get you on the line, it's easy to get you in the money net. Even the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts are all about money. And everything has a pro and a con. Name one thing that isn't motivated by dough? They say "put your money where your mouth is" and they aren't just whistling Dixie. They also say "give until it hurts". Ouch.
Back to the reason for this one though...... moonbat. The leading contender for Moonbat of the Century is that goofy woman that's using her hero son's death to gain influence and, guess what, make
MONEY! I think calling her a moonbat just adds to the cash reserves too. I think she should just be a plain old
TRAITOR. Take the shine off the label. Or perhaps just shine the light
ON the betrayer. I'm not even using her real name to denigrate her because I don't want to give her any further glory. So there. I'm glad I got all this off my chest. And I'm glad you took the time to read it. Thanks! I don't want any money for it either. It was freely given and can just as freely be ignored. I like the way that works.