Monday, July 02, 2007

There's Now 100 Pounds Less Of Me To Love!

Today it's official, I've lost 100 pounds!

I wish I had a picture of what 100 pounds looks like!

This is the best I could come up with....just visualize 100 of these globs!

I know what 100 pounds less FEELS like!

It feels like I won the lotto!
It feels like I can cross my legs and tuck in my shirts!
It feels like I can do anything! I am superwoman!
It feels like I still have 13 pounds more to go...

I can actually look in a mirror now and recognize HER as me. I can go into a dressing room and not come back out in tears. No salespeorson asks "Did that fit?". I can wear a belt! I can get on the scales at the doctor without cringing! I can sit in plane, train and automobile seats and fasten seat belts without extenders! I can tie my shoes....hell! I can SEE my shoes!

There's down sides too, of course, and I probably need a whole post covering those, but not is a day to celebrate!

It's taken 8 months on the 6th of July to lose 100 pounds. There's no doubt in my mind that I'd do it again tomorrow if need be. This is what Roux-En-Y surgery looks like on the drawing board...

And this is what it looks like in real life! That's me on the left and my inspiration on the right. My daughter Elaine is my inspiration and my coach....she had the surgery 3 years ago and she's doing a wonderful job of keeping the weight off!

To be soon as I reach GOAL!


Lainey said...

You and your daughter look fabulous, dahling!

I have several friends/clients who have done the surgery. One had some serious complications, but is doing great now.

Kudos n hugs, girlfriends!

Attila the Mom said...

Woohoo! Congrats!

I saw the picture of the lump first, and I thought, "OMG, is this a recipe, and what the hell is that thing??!!"


TxGoodie said...

Thanks! I love that lump times 100! :-)