Wednesday, May 02, 2007

25 Cents A Roach?

No I don't mean a joint either. I mean cockroaches! Euuuu.....

Check this out.......


Houstonians may contribute cockroaches by coming to the entrance of the Cockrell Butterfly Center on the following Saturdays and Tuesdays, and asking for a museum entomologist:

When to go

• Noon-3 p.m. Saturday, May 12 and May 19

• 4-7 p.m. May 8 and May 15

What you'll get

Reward: $0.25 per cockroach for the first 1,000 received; after that, donors will be given passes to return and visit their friends when the redesigned Cockrell Butterfly Center opens May 25.

The good part is they limit it to 1000 TOTAL. When I first read it I thought it was saying 1000 per person, limited to 1000 people. I wouldn't of been surprised with that either.

I think they ought to have a contest for the largest one. They say they max out at 2 inches, but I KNOW I've had some that wore army boots and marched across the cadence!!

Only in Texas would you find people paying for bugs!

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